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Live Online Session



45 minOnline Session

Service Description

TAIWANESE. NATIVE CHINESE (MANDARIN) AND TAIWANESE, FLUENT ENGLISH. I am Taiwanese. I can teach both traditional and simplified characters. The class materials I use are mainly in Mainland Chinese. Are you from a different country? Are you a young child, teenager or an adult? No matter who you are, how old you are, or what your Chinese background is, you are welcome to join my Chinese classes. In my classes, we don’t use boring textbooks. In contrast, we will have a lot of student teacher interaction. Let me introduce myself, I'm Bella. I graduated with a degree in teaching Chinese as a second language. I started teaching Chinese to foreigners in 2015 until present. I really enjoy the challenge of teaching Chinese to foreigners. I always tailor my classes to the needs of my students and welcome their input. Stop thinking! What are you waiting for? Join now! Let's enjoy the fun of learning Chinese together. Hope to see you soon!!! 大家好,我是Bella老師,我畢業於華語文教學系,也就是對外漢語系。我從 2015年就開始教中文了,我的學生包括不同國家、不同年齡的人,有不會說中 文的,也有中文很厲害的。不論你的背景是什麼,歡迎加入我的課程。 在我的課堂上,你不會接觸到無聊死板的課本教學,相反,我們會透過大量的 互動練習和對話,加強學生的記憶。心動不如行動,趕快加入我的中文課吧! 大家好,我是Bella老师,我毕业于华语文教学系,也就是对外汉语系。我从 2015年就开始教中文了,我的学生包括不同国家、不同年龄的人,有不会说中 文的,也有中文很厉害的。不论你的背景是什么,欢迎加入我的课程。 在我的课堂上,你不会接触到无聊死板的课本教学,相反,我们会透过大量的 互动练习和对话,加强学生的记忆。心动不如行动,赶快加入我的中文课吧!

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